Thursday, March 3, 2011

March Big Bang Superstar

Congratulations Polly!!
Our March 2011 Big Bang Superstar!!

Polly is our one of Big Bang’s
most enthusiastic and hardest working servers!! 

We asked Polly a few questions so you could get to know her a little better…

How old are you?    … 21

Where are you originally from?    … Where am I not from? ...But it all started in Russia.

What are your hobbies?    …Traveling, painting, running, hanging with friends, shopping, and eating!

Do you have a Favorite Quote?     …"You either become a superhero or live long enough to become the villain."

What do you like most about working at The Big Bang?     …The people and atmosphere

Do you have a Favorite drink (alcoholic or not :))?    …GIN!

What is the one thing you cannot live without?    …Oxygen duh! but my family:)

What is your favorite song you like to hear sung by our piano players?   … Aerosmith, Dream On

What is your favorite day of the week and why?   … Thursday because then you have 3 days of a weekend to look forward to.

If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?    …End all suffrage

Thanks for sharing Polly!! Your hard work is much appreciated at
The Big Bang!!

You can come in and see Polly during the whole month of March!

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