Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Meet Our Big Bang Superstar of the Month: Erin Mihoci


Here’s a little information about Erin you may not have known…

1) Where are ya from? I’m from Ohio
2) Who's your fav band/singer/song? Tough question…I love love Bette Midlers old music and anything classical or jazz related…as silly as it is I also love Britney Spears too haha
3) What's your favorite tv show? Between Parenthood and The Bachelor…hehe guilty pleasure or anything on Bravo!
4) How long have you been working at The Big Bang? 4 or maybe 5 months
5) What do you like to do when you're NOT at The Big Bang? Make collages, play piano, cook, clean, reaarange my house obsessively, Sunday fun days, and most importantly play with my lil guy Oliver
6) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Wherever they were in the movie “The Beach” preferably with Leonardo Dicaprio
7) Who are you rooting for in the suavorite perbowl, packers or steelers? STEELERS fan so rooting for them 100%
8)What is your favorite thing about the Big Bang? How fun the staff is and the awesome after hours
9) What are your pet peeves? Chewing with your mouth open, fingernail biting, and body odor
10) What is the one thing you cannot live without? PLANTS, I love to garden
**Anything you would like us to know about you? I like pizza pies and SB! J

Erin is one of our very best bartenders at The Big Bang! She works extremely hard and it does not go un-noticed! Congrats to Erin! Come in and see her during the month of February at The Big Bang to have her pour you a drink!!

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